July 2023: Congratulations to our University of Nottingham colleague Prof. Pete Licence, who has taken over from Prof. David Allen as Editor-in-Chief of the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. See the editorial from Prof. Paul Anastas, Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board for ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c02965.

July 2023: Our leads Professor Billy Kerr (Strathclyde) and Dr Diane Coe (GSK) participated in the EPSRC Prosperity Partnership Showcase event in London where a range of impressive projects were on display, co-created by businesses and academic institutions, and which are addressing an extensive array of the UK’s strategic research areas. As part of this event, Billy and Diane also contributed to EPSRC media, describing how such partnerships support business-led research that arises from an industrial need and explaining the benefits of the Prosperity Partnership programme overall. See what Billy and Diane had to say in the following two videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiNAeuVPbp0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfC5fiolgBM.

March 2023: Ellen Guest, a PhD alumni aligned with our Prosperity Partnership, is the winner of the 2023 Sir Fraser and Norma Stoddart Prize for Outstanding Citizenship and Academic Excellence in Postgraduate Research at the University of Nottingham. Ellen will present a research seminar in the School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham as part of a symposium, after which they will receive a prize of £2500 and a plaque commemorating the award. Ellen graduated last summer, and is currently a Senior Portfolio Manager in the EPSRC International Team.

June 2022: Congratulations to our University of Nottingham colleague Professor Mike George who has just been awarded the 2022 RSC Interdisciplinary Prize for pioneering innovations in flow chemistry, reactor engineering and reaction monitoring for continuous chemical processing.

June 2022: Congratulations to our GSK colleague Dr Katherine Wheelhouse who has just been awarded the 2022 Organic Division Merck, Sharp and Dohme Award for contributions to the application and industrialisation of chemical catalysis in the pharmaceutical industry in the pursuit of more sustainable synthesis of medicines.

June 2022: Congratulations to our University of Nottingham colleague Professor Ross Denton who has just been awarded the 2022 RSC Bader Award for the development of novel synthesis methods and catalysts based on organophosphorus and organosilicon chemistry, and their application in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and natural products.

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